South America

Home At Last 😊
Montana’s always been one of our favourite states, particularly the Rocky Mountains side bordering Idaho. Pretty anytime, especially in April with a late season dusting of snow, we made a couple of stops, first in Bozeman then again in Missoula. Missoula has some great outdoors/camping stores...

Across The USA – In The Home Stretch
A quick perusal of Google maps as we drove away from Brunswick, Georgia indicated a couple of possible routes across the United States to our home in British Columbia, Canada. While our goal was not necessarily the shortest and hence fastest route home, nor ( at this point ) did we wish to make a...

Brunswick, Georgia – Reunited With Our Rig
A full week had elapsed between our arrival into Miami before the good ship “Toledo” would deliver our precious cargo just over the state line in Brunswick, Georgia. The originally scheduled 30 day passage from Argentina to the US had, with multiple delays, blown out to 36 days and when...

Adios, South America !
Almost across the street from our hotel in Montevideo was the Mirador Panoramico ( a high rise building with a viewing deck ) so before driving out of the city to Punta del Este we took in the city view from the 22nd floor to get a different perspective on this city of 1.3 million. Montevideo from...

Bienvenidos Uruguay !
One is always a tad nervous getting swabbed for any travel related antigen test. The prospect of testing positive when you are about to cross one border and only 10 days out from crossing another ( the latter involving a pre-booked international flight ) is definitely nerve-wracking. The mere...

Argentina – Our Time Draws to a Close
Arenales Suites, Recoleta, Buenos Aires The last few weeks have certainly been a new experience for us. Being in one place for such an extended period of time, having essentially no time restrictions, and being able to spend pretty much as long as we needed to do whatever it is we wanted here in...

More Buenos Aires !
It’s been a bit of a balancing act for us here in Buenos Aires. The plethora of delightful cafeterias, panaderias, pastelerias, heladerias, chocolaterias, authentic pizzerias and simply countless great restaurants ( for which the city is renowned ) represent a constant ( and I mean constant ! )...

Buenos Aires
I want to begin this week’s blog by saying its wonderful to have ALL our “” subscribers back with us effective last week’s blog. For some reason, known only to the technical gurus at Google, for several weeks in February many subscribers with Gmail accounts saw our

Shipping : Buenos Aires to Brunswick, Georgia, USA
In the time remaining until we put our vehicle on a ship in Buenos Aires ( BA ) we decided some relaxing beach time was in order. We had not seen a lot of the ocean in the last 4 months, and the beaches in Mar Del Plata had sadly disappointed, so we decided to give it another shot and check out a...

Iguazu Falls and South to Mar Del Plata
Had we realized just how long and tedious the drive would be from northwest Argentina all the way to Iguazu Falls in the far northeast corner, I’m not sure we would’ve actually made the effort. Frankly it just seemed to take forever. Perhaps it was the monotony of the scenery - for the most part...