Return to Chile

Return to Chile

Please excuse the MacArthur-like analogy but, 1 year, 7 months and 14 days after beating a hasty retreat from Chile in the face of a global pandemic, finally we “have returned” ! Never in our wildest thoughts ( back in March 2020 ) did we expect we would be away that long. Fortunately, the time back in Kelowna was quite productively spent and the upside was that it was wonderful to re-connect with so many friends and family during our time at home. But, global travel is most definitely back “on” and we are genuinely thrilled to be on the road again ( well, almost ! ).

Last time time we saw a sight like this the plane was bringing us home from Chile. Our plane at Vancouver airport

On November 4th, after a tortuous, stressful, circuitous and incredibly tiring 44 hour journey from Kelowna, BC, Canada, we landed at Santiago International airport in Chile. Trust me when I say there were days when I wondered if the world would ever get back to ‘normal enough’ for that to happen. For those ( like I ) who have been engrossed in how the world has tackled COVID, Chile ( after a very rough start ) quickly moved into the big leagues and tackled the vaccination of their population with gusto. Currently one of the most vaccinated nations in the world with almost 80% fully vaccinated, they are actively doing 3rd shots ( boosters ) and have opened up to foreign travel, albeit with some fairly rigorous requirements. As such we feel comfortable being here and have now seen first hand how impressive and organized their process is for ensuring foreign travellers do not risk the success they have had in fighting COVID 19. Travellers need to be double vaccinated, compete comprehensive declarations on-line prior to arrival, have adequate medical insurance ( covering Covid ) and be prepared for 5-7 day quarantine on arrival ( waived if you pass an obligatory, but free, PCR test on arrival in the country with results delivered in a maximum of 24 hours – ours came in 9 ). For the first 10 days in the county you complete a daily attestation as to your health with a simple an easy to use app. So, they pretty well have it all covered ! The airport process was well organized, friendly, and easy to navigate. Slick……..

Friendly Chilean airport staff guiding us through the COVID protocols on arrival
Airport staff ready to do the nasal swabs. Fast, friendly and results same day !

Readers who have traveled on long, multi-stop international flights in the new COVID world will know what I mean when I say – air travel sure isn’t what it used to be. Unquestionably the most drawn out, nerve-wracking, tiring, bureaucratic and at times painfully frustrating experience we have ever endured during our many years of air travel and we are certainly glad it’s now behind us.  The stress multiplier, these days anyway, is the need for a negative PCR ( Covid  ) test taken before you leave home and now required to enter many countries ( Chile being one such). The labs take 30-48 hours to provide a result ( in our part of Canada anyway ) and you ( typically ) need to be in the destination country ( or at least on the last flight sector to that country ) no later than 72 hours after the test was taken. When you consider our flight time ( with layovers ) was 34 hours you can see that it gets a little, ummm, shall we say….tight ! I won’t bore folks with the intimate details but a heads up to those planning long, multi- sector, international flights now that the world is opening up – it’s a nail biter, and make absolutely sure you have all your ducks ( or should I say “docs” ) in a row. Not for the faint of heart.

Lois doing some last minute on line documentation for the Chilean government so we could board our flight in Vancouver. When we left Houston ( our last stopover ) for Santiago 6 people were denied boarding due to inadequate documentation. Ouch ! Bags were removed from the plane and we left an hour late

We had anticipated some of this and to ease the pain of the extremely long return journey, and the associated rigorous COVID protocols, we had at first decided to overnight in a hotel en route to Santiago. Sadly the 72 hour rule precluded that ( our PCR tests would then expire before we arrived ) so the only other option was a business class flight ( getting soft, I know, I know, but we convinced ourselves we deserved a break ). And hey, we had the points, why not use them ? Pretty reasonable on a one way flight actually. Those delightful airport lounges, and very comfy fully-reclining, wide seats on the plane really made a difference this time (though I am concerned Lois may get used to it ! ).

We are very used to walking right past these seats when boarding a plane- nice to be sitting in them this time !

Now that we are back in Chile, we are excited to complete the Pan American highway ( destination Ushuaia ) and beyond that further exploring  in Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil and possibly eastern Bolivia. Our goal is to do that by April / May next year. It’s unlikely we will tackle the Guyana’s – a loooong way north and having lost so much time to Covid ( and with a wedding coming ) we just have to make some decisions on what our travel priorities are. More on that in the months ahead but our immediate plan is to travel Chile’s legendary Carretera Austral and other parts of Patagonia en route to Ushuaia. It’s tremendously exciting and has always been one of, if not THE, primary goals of this whole journey.

On a more personal note, I mentioned a wedding above. Lois and I were thrilled to learn that our daughter is getting married in September 2022 so that means we will almost certainly be back in BC all through our Canadian summer next year helping plan that. The plan beyond that is to continue overlanding later in September next year and we are currently weighing up possible destinations – so many countries, so little time.COVID cooperating of course !

Stay tuned, and thanks for staying with us during COVID- I hope this finds all our readers well and, like us, chomping at the bit to get on the road again…………! I’ll close with a few pics of our first couple of days back in Chile, spent around Vina Del Mar and Valparaiso. We expect to pick up the truck on Sunday this week and start heading south right away.

Street scene in Vina Del Mar
Vina Del Mar
Vina Del Mar from our hotel
Valparaiso murals
Valparaiso backstreet murals and colored houses
Valparaiso mural
Valparaiso neighbourhood of colorful houses up above the Queen Victoria funicular – very steep in “Valpo”
It’s Been A Year !

It’s Been A Year !

“How time  flies” as the old adage goes. If you can believe it, this coming week it will have been fully a year that has passed since we hurriedly packed up some necessities, stored our truck/camper in a little town outside Santiago, and jumped on the next plane to Canada – March 21, 2020 to be exact. Readers may recall this image headlining that final ( for 2020 anyway) “Exit from Chile” blog post:

Our plane for the sudden trip home – fortunately we left when we did, it became much harder just a week later

Much has changed in the world in the last 12 months – and who could have imagined it playing out like it did ? While we are not out of the woods yet, with vaccinations in full swing globally, let’s hope we have turned the corner and that life can, in the coming months, start returning to normal.

We’ve been with this pandemic for so long now that it’s easy to  forget what “normal” was – remember, life before masks, intermittent lockdowns, social distancing and copious daily applications of hand sanitizer ? It’s also amazed us how quickly everyone has just gotten used to this ( albeit  temporary ) “new normal”. Interesting as well to look around the world and see how different countries have tackled it – there have certainly been some surprising outcomes.

It seemed like the one year anniversary of our hasty retreat from overlanding in South America was a good time to update readers on what has since transpired for us, what we are working on, and when we plan ( or should I say, “hope” ) to be back on the road – with 38,000 kms of the Pan American highway under our belt we have about 5,000 kms still remaining to reach our destination of Ushuaia. When it comes to the PanAmerican highway this quaint Argentine town on the island of Tierra del Fuego at the very bottom of South America marks ( quite literally ) the end of the road.  Or, as the the Argentines call it, Fin del Mundo – the end of the world.

Ushuaia, Argentina – the end of the PanAmerican Highway

Given that we have not yet been vaccinated, and won’t be until at least July, travelling right  now is not viable. Unfortunate, because now is the ideal time to be in Patagonia and travelling the Carretera Austral considering it’s their summer. It’s just not a place to go in winter ( in fact much of it shuts down ) so if you don’t get there by April at latest one is simply best to wait until the southern Spring – which is October’ish. 

That, in fact, is exactly what we plan to do – assuming all is good on the COVID front, assuming we are vaccinated and assuming the world is back to a semblance of normality, we would depart Canada sometime in September, fly to Santiago, pick up our truck and continue the journey. The loose, and I stress “loose” ( if COVID has taught us one thing it’s not to plan too far ahead) idea is to spend 4-6 months travelling to the bottom, then working our way back up the famous Route 40 in Argentina through to Eastern Bolivia, southern Brazil, and on to Uruguay. It’s not likely, having lost this much time, that we will loop all the way back up to northern Brazil or the Guyana’s but we will see how it unfolds. When our time in South America is done we will ship the vehicle home and sell it ( unless anyone out there wants to take a great overlanding rig off us in South America and do the reverse Pan American – it can been done ! ).

But, “Why would you sell it Jeff – there is much more of the world to explore, and surely you’ll need your overland rig?”, you might think. Indeed, there is much, much more to explore and we hope to continue overlanding for quite a few years yet, but COVID ( and basically suddenly having nothing to do ! ) inspired Lois and I to start a new project. In what might best be described as a rush of blood to the head, late in 2020 we somewhat spontaneously purchased a Mercedes Sprinter 4×4 and set about camperizing it for future overland travel. The “project” is about a third complete and we hope to have it done by this ( northern ) summer allowing us to travel in it through July and August around Canada. We will then store it here until we return from South America. Future travel will be in the new van. Here is a glimpse of how it looks so far ( we do need a name by the way so send us your suggestions ):

The new project – camperizing our Sprinter

The truck/camper has been fabulous and we could easily have continued on in it but we could not pass up the opportunity to do a van build-out  when we had this much time on our hands. Essentially, we just moved the purchase forward a few years – a Sprinter had always been something we had coveted and we were actually very close to buying one when we bought the truck/camper back in 2015.

The wonderful Spring weather we are enjoying in British Colombia right now is a welcome change from the cold of mid-winter ( especially for those of us refitting a van in their driveway ! ). We are all looking forward to the coming summer and ideally a less restrictive life. Wherever you are as you read this, both Lois and I hope you are well and that your community, state, and country is getting on top of COVID. We look forward to starting the weekly blog again as soon as we are on that plane to Chile. Until then, stay healthy, and stay safe !


For those who have wondered ( and some have asked ) this is where our truck/camper is – ours is pretty much right in the middle ( making it more secure we tell ourselves, lol ). It gives you some idea of how many people are ( or were ) overlanding in South America at any one time ( we often speculated on that ). This is just in one part of Chile but there are doubtless thousands of overland vehicles parked in places like this all over South America

Our vehicle, along with almost 30 others, stored on the unused clay tennis court
of a friendly Chilean overlander

The Walls Close In – Exit From Chile

The Walls Close In – Exit From Chile

What a difference a week makes. In fact, really just a a couple of days…….

Throughout the Covid 19 crisis to date both of us had remained resolute that we would carry on and see this through fully expecting to be asked to voluntarily self quarantine at some point where we were. I would not describe Chile’s approach as in any way lax but it had remained very much business as usual throughout the country ( with the standard precautions ) right up until just before I posted last week’s blog ( Salar de Uyuni and Beyond). Peru and Argentina ( the immediately neighboring countries ) by contrast had taken seemingly draconian measures – particularly targeting foreign travellers, some of which were very disturbing and, in some cases, absolutely xenophobic.

Glad we had gotten out of Bolivia days before that border closed and ultimately glad we did not enter Argentina, we, along with many other overlanders, felt very comfortable being in Chile. In the ensuing days, that all changed quite dramatically and with it our original plans to tough it out for what we expected would be a “few weeks” in Chile. The warnings were suddenly coming thick and fast and from every direction. Below, in no particular order, were the changes we saw in a just a matter of days:

1. An ominous warning that it was “time to come home” from Canada’s PM. Canada’s ability to do much to help us was quickly diminishing. We knew there simply were not enough planes to get everyone back and once borders closed, and nations went into “lockdown”, returning would become a logistical nightmare.

2. Airlines started cancelling flights……en masse. Not just cancelling, but announcing that  services were being cut indefinitely. One headline had it that there would soon just be 6 international flights out of Canada, likely none of those to South America. All flights to South America would cease as of March 25. That date was just days away.

Ours was the flight on the bottom, LATAM 602……cancelled only hours after we booked it

3. All borders were closing and curfews were being introduced. Everywhere. Internal movement was quickly being restricted as well – this would cause a real problem for us living in a camping vehicle

4. Disturbing stories began to emerge on our primary sources of information “on the ground” in South America – the Pan American Travellers Association Facebook group, and the “Stuck in Chile” WhatsApp Forum. Campgrounds and hotels were closing to foreigners ( where would we stay ? ), initially mostly in Argentina and Peru but reports were trickling in about the same thing in southern Chile, which is where we were headed. Foreigners were denied access to ferries in some places. In other cases, in Argentina, locals were blocking roads preventing foreign vehicles from entering towns. Locals were reporting the presence of foreigners to the police who in a number of cases escorted the said foreigners out of town – heavy stuff

Chaiten is a town in southern Chile on the Carretera Austral. This was shared on the “Stuck in Chile” WhatsApp Forum

5. Military and police checkpoints were starting to appear and the first shortages of things were emerging. On top of this, early warnings about it likely just being a “2 week shutdown” to beat the virus, were being amended upwards to much longer periods. Reliable sources were suggesting many months at least. With winter coming on, and our window to complete the Carretera Austral closing quickly, we reluctantly followed most other overlanders in making plans to get out….while we could.

When overlanding it’s not just a case of jumping on the first flight out, even if there is one. We had a vehicle to deal with, on a temporary import permit, so needed to arrange an extension with Customs. Application submitted – approval pending. Hopefully not an issue down the road. We also sought out Customs at the airport to discuss leaving the vehicle ( it’s supposed to leave with us when we go ). No time to arrange shipping of the vehicle and in any case we planned to return in a few months and continue the trip, so the priority was to find suitable, secure, reasonably priced storage near Santiago and then to arrange flights ( if we could ).

Visiting Chilean Customs at the airport to make enquiries about leaving Chile without our truck. No one home…….!

At this point the “Stuck in Chile” What’s App Forum was a life saver. Kind hearted local Chileans and some resident foreigners who were part of the overlanding scene and who had space started offering storage. “Juan Pablo” came to our rescue and we secured the truck, rapidly unpacked it and left it with him in a town just outside Santiago. He even took us to an airport hotel so we could tackle our next challenge – getting a flight out. There were others who helped out as well, and the Chileans ( in our experience ) really stepped up – our campground host in La Serena had also offered storage if we were stuck ( thank you, Chris ! ). I include below images of a few other kind offers of help at what was an incredibly stressful time for all of us.

Juan Pablo and his wife Daniella have a big property and stored our truck, along with the vehicles of a number of other foreigners
An example of the the kindness of Chileans and resident foreigners during a very tough time for overlanders
And another……
And another…..

A quick search of Expedia yielded  a suitable flight on LATAM via Los Angeles so that was secured right away for Saturday night. Devastatingly, just hours later, it was cancelled. Back to square one. The only other affordable option was a Delta flight via Atlanta, but it was not until Monday and we feared it too may get cancelled as more and more US states were going into “lockdown”. In the end, incredibly, we got space on Air Canada using Aeroplan points and we had just enough points for two one way flights.  Three more nights and this flight would  no longer exist. In fact, when we left Saturday night from Santiago, Air Canada was one of very few international flights that was NOT cancelled. Never have we been so happy to see an Air Canada plane at an airport…!

Very happy to see this at the airport !

I can’t begin to describe what a relief it was when we were “wheels up” out of Santiago and then again when we touched down in Toronto ! Unsurprisingly the connecting flight to Kelowna was less than half full……no one is flying that doesn’t absolutely need to.

The Rockies are always impressive as one approaches Kelowna from the east. A view from a very scratched up Air Canada window

We had effectively been in personal isolation in Chile for almost a week anyway (  aside from the airport transits and flights – the higher risk of infection there was something that worried us of course ). On arrival airport staff in Toronto reminded us to self isolate for 2 weeks once we got home. Fortunately we have a completely self contained and unoccupied suite in our home so that won’t be an issue and we should not interfere with the comings and goings of our kids in the weeks ahead. Boredom, hopefully, will be our biggest problem…!

So, our Pan American adventure is now on hiatus, along with hundreds of others in the same situation who have stored their vehicles all over the continent, but we do plan on returning to Chile as soon as circumstances allow, and to pick up where we left off. Something tells us that will be more than just a couple of months – in any case, even if it is 5 or 6 months that should give us time to enjoy a nice summer in the Northern Hemisphere and allow us to restart the journey as spring/summer arrives in the Southern Hemisphere ( October/November ). Time will tell…..the whole world has a serious virus to fight in the meantime.

Three overlander vehicles stored with Juan Pablo…….
……by the next day he had 6 more as almost all overlanders were beating a hasty retreat from South America

Obviously I will put the weekly updates on pause for now. To our hundreds of loyal readers, thanks for following along on our journey, thank you for your comments, and rest assured we will be back at it as soon as we can. Stay safe, we will all get through this !

Jeff and Lois 

Salar de Uyuni and Beyond

Salar de Uyuni and Beyond

The Salar de Uyuni is an otherworldly place. Stark white, for as far as the eye can see, this massive salt flat draws visitors from every corner of the globe and is unquestionably Bolivia’s tourism crown jewel. Having seen it before in winter ( July ) we were dazzled ( quite literally ) as we drove it from north to south on a Landcruiser tour.  Fast forward to 2020, now in our own truck/camper, this time at the end of rainy season and there are still remnants of the water that for several months completely covers the salar. It is this water that gives the mirror effect ( and blurring of the  horizon ) that so many come to see – it is indeed spectacular !

Arriving at the “salar”…..many have left their mark here
Truck on the Salar de Uyuni
Pondering life – Salar de Uyuni ! An almost “heavenly” experience
Where to next ? Well, not Argentina ( read on ) !
Hotel Del Sel ( Salt Hotel, Salar de Uyuni )
John and Kayoko from Vancouver Island – Uyuni was our our third meeting with them on the Pan American highway

Part of  tradition in the Salar de Uyuni is to take “optical illusion” images using the extreme white background to mask the distance of subjects from the photographer – one can get quite creative out there ! 

Lois and a bottle of Argentine red wine
John and Kayoko in Lois’ day pack !

Driving very slowly through the wet salt it was possible to limit the amount of salt ( but not stop it ) that got on the truck and  within an hour of leaving the truck was put back up on the “blocks” for a thorough hose down. Hopefully our man got it all off !

Given we were still in the tail end of rainy season, taking our vehicle on the Western Lagunas Route to Chile was always going to be a challenge. Having been this way in 2003 we should simply have passed on it and driven to Tupiza in Bolivia and then on to Salta in northern Argentina. Hindsight ! Of course, being “so close” it was decided we’d take a stab at the Lagunas Route – we could always bail out part way at Ollagüe ( on Bolivia’s western border with Chilean ) if the going got rough, and take the excellent paved road to Calama and on in to San Pedro.

Driving slowly on a very corrugated Bolivian “road”
Yet the Bolivian tour drivers were able to scoot along at 70-80 km/h

That, in the end, was what we did –  5 hours of bone jarring washboarded road ( I use the word “road” generously ) from San Juan to Ollagüe was more than we could bear – most travellers don’t even try it. We have never experienced sharper, deeper ruts or more unrelenting washboarding anywhere in our travels around the globe. Brutal ! We averaged less than 15 km/h and could find no combination of speed or tire deflation to defray the constant jolting. From 65 psi, to 55, to 45 and even down to 40 ( at which point, with a camper on the back, the rear tires looked flat – I dared not go lower ) we still could not not prevent the extreme shaking and on three occasions briefly lost control of the truck. Enough already ! As they say on Dragon’s Den and Shark Tank….”For those reasons, I’m out !”

One of the smoother sections of Bolivian “road”
Remote border post in Ollagüe, Bolivia

Crossing to Chile was painless and we have never been so glad to see an asphalt surface !! We ended up sacrificing all our fruit and veggies  to the customs folks ( which we knew was coming ), but they were super friendly and efficient ( and apologized profusely about the fruit confiscation ). A nice welcome to Chile, living up to its reputation as the most “Western”, or developed, of all Latin American countries. Same terrain as Bolivia, just 500 metres away, but look at the road surface below !

Chilean road, less than a kilometer from the bone crushing one in Bolivia

The initial plan was to revisit the delightful Chilean oasis town of San Pedro De Atacama and cross into Argentina over the Jama Pass for the long drive south. Fate, however, would intervene. Loved our few days back in San Pedro – as pretty a desert setting as any you will find, but on the day we were to cross the Andes, the Argentine government closed all its borders. Period. No ifs, no ands, no buts. Closed.

Main Street, San Pedro de Atacama
San Pedro’s famous church
Snow-capped mountain backdrop in San Pedro
Main square, San Pedro
Lois, on the rock formations outside San Pedro

After the initial disappointment we resigned ourselves to making the long drive south via Chile’s coastal/desert highway. Not the most scenic road, and we had done it all before in a bus, but there was at least one highlight to break the boredom – the Hand of the Desert. The artist/sculptor was commissioned to do something to break the monotony of the desert drive – he certainly achieved that. In fact people now drive out here just to see it. At 11 metres high it is big !

Mano Del Desierto, Antofagasta’s famous “Hand of the Desert”. It just appears out of nowhere in the middle of the desert 75km south of the city

As the days went on we heard more about the travel restrictions placed on foreigners in Argentina – in the end we were quite glad we did not enter. At least ( at this stage anyway ) we could travel freely within Chile. Based on the many comments from overlanders on the PanAm Travellers Facebook page those in Argentina were having a very rough go of it. So far Chile was pretty relaxed. So far…….

Good roads through the desert in Chile…..but boooooring

Two days of long drives brought us to the coastal town of La Serena where we established ourselves in a very nice campground. I say that because it is relevant to the next bit of big news we heard – as we arrived, Chile announced a 90 day state of emergency. At the time of writing there was no more detail provided – that will come in the days ahead I am sure -but for now we were left with the option to keep going south or stay where we were. Fully expecting at some stage to face a 14 day quarantine, the issue then became where would we want to serve it out…..? That was happening to overlanders all over Argentina and Peru so it was expected Chile would follow.

El Arbol campground, La Serena

At this point I will digress and talk a bit about Covid 19 in South America. Firstly, we don’t want readers to think we are blasé about it, or ignorant ( we are not ), but secondly I have not wanted to add yet more discussion of this tragic topic to people’s lives – by all accounts ( from those who have reached out to us ), all hell is breaking loose at home. I am sure people have heard enough about it. So, if that’s you, skip the next paragraph. On the other hand if you are interested in hearing how South America is dealing with it, read on.

El Arbol campground, La Serena

It’s top of mind down here too of course. Like elsewhere, borders are closing which is to be expected. While there are far fewer cases and the continent is probably a degree or so removed from the worst of it, the Corona virus has definitely hit here. That said, from what we have seen, there is not ( yet anyway ) the blind panic that exists elsewhere. Toilet paper is widely available, dry foods as well, however hand sanitizer is already hard to find. People are not fighting in the aisles nor do they seem to be hoarding. Stores are limiting access to people to minimize personal contact ( I had to line up, waiting till another customer left the store, to recharge my phone with data ) and most folks are good natured about it. Again, that may just be a “yet”. We don’t have the space in our camper to “stock up” even if we were so inclined but we are sensible and do make sure we have enough basics to get by. What else can one do ? At this point it all seems pretty civil – hoping it stays that way, but fearing it may not.

At this stage, still plenty of toilet paper, but no hand sanitizer to be found anywhere
Lining up to enter a store… at a time only

So now we sit in La Serena waiting for a bit of direction from the Chilean government on what the State of Emergency will look like  – can we move freely and continue south “cocooned” ( as it were ) in our  self-contained camper ? We would like to. I can say that we are both much happier to be travelling this way than by plane or bus where there is much more human contact ( and thus virus infection risk ) with others. It remains to be seen whether the Chileans will be that accommodating. Fingers crossed !

Note: As we were sitting in our camper pondering next steps, a couple pulled up beside us on two motorcycles. Their accents sounded North American so I asked where they were from. “Canada”, came the reply. “What part ?” I asked. “BC”, they said. “Where in BC ?” was my next question. And they said…….”Kelowna” !!!! Well, that’s now two couples that we have met on this long overland journey who are en route to Tierra del Fuego and who hail from Kelowna. Talk about a small world.

Martin and Liza from West Kelowna, BC
Bienvenidos Bolivia !

Bienvenidos Bolivia !

From Rainbow Mountain it was only a few hours drive south to Puno and then on to Bolivia via scenic Lake Titicaca. Arriving in Puno with time to visit the Uros islands we hopped on a short “tour” of the Uros  (floating ) islands. Home to an indigenous group that for  centuries have lived on islands made of reeds ( they also construct boats of the same material ), it’s a highly “hyped” attraction but has become extremely commercialized with much more focus on selling trinkets than providing anything close to an authentic experience. I suppose once in a while you have a “fail” – this was one of ours…!

Route last week
The Uros reed houses and boats, Puno
The Uros “tour”

Staying just outside Puno before the Bolivia crossing, as luck would have it we bumped into a couple of fellow Canadian overlanders we had last met in Mexico – John and Kayoko. They have been on the road almost exactly the same period of time as us and travelled much the same route, so we had some serious catching up to do – it was great to connect again.

Catching up with John and Kayoko in Puno
Ever beautiful Lake Titicaca, straddling Peru and Bolivia

Bolivia beckoned and we were genuinely excited to be back – not just because we were happy to exit Peru but because we had such fond memories of it. It’s definitely an overlander favorite and easy to see why. Previously we had entered from Chile in the south and travelled north via Uyuni, detouring to Potosi, Sucre and Cochabamba and on to La Paz. This time the plan would be a more direct route, south, crossing via the resort town of Copacabana, on to La Paz and then directly south to Uyuni – the primary aim for us in Bolivia would be to travel the Salar de Uyuni and then likely take the Western Lagunas route to Chile in our own vehicle. Much preparation would be in store ! Backup plan would be to enter northern Argentina through Tupiza in Bolivia, Tupiza reportedly being the location of the final shootout of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.

While “Evo” ( Morales ), the former President is now in exile, his name is everywhere in Bolivia
The pretty lakeside town of Copacabana – it had a grown a lot in 17 years. Had a bit of an Italian seaside village feel. Stopped for lunch here and did a bit of a walk down memory lane
A ferry crossing between Copacabana and La Paz – on a very rickety barge that did not inspire a lot of confidence in us
At least there was a famous name to save us if anything went wrong !

But first we had to get to La Paz and Google Maps had given us a tortuous route through the city that put us in the middle of a Sunday flea market where roads were closed. Not the first time it has led us astray. Getting out of that was no fun, in fact, it was one of the most stressful city drives we have had to date. The rerouting and heavy traffic had us traversing downtown La Paz in the dark, something we avoid at all costs as a rule. No fun, but we survived !

We were anxious to get off the busy main road…..
….and then Google directed us down this narrow street -something did not seem right
…..and we ended up stuck in this Sunday market. Stalls had to be moved so we could get out
Image of La Paz, to downtown from the surrounding mountains. The rock/sand formations were very reminiscent of the “Hoodoos” in Bryce Canyon, Arizona
The nice homes were always up on top …..

After resting up in La Paz at the excellent Camping Las Lomas and getting some sage “Salar” advice from our host Marcos ( who has travelled the Salar extensively ), we set off for Uyuni. The drive south was uneventful, Oruro being the only major city en route ( and not noteworthy in any obvious way other than being the only city where we have seen traffic lights in a roundabout ! ). As we neared Uyuni the terrain became more scenic with what looked like acres and acres of farmed flowers.

Flowers outside Uyuni – we saw acres upon acres

Uyuni is famous really for one thing – the legendary salt flat ( “Salar” ) that bears its name and at 10, 582 sq kms, is the largest in the world. It is a truly incredible sight and was one of the standout natural wonders from our initial trip to South America. Well, that, a “train cemetery” and some truly eclectic Marxist looking street art I should say – check out the images below. Other than that it is pretty much a rough and tumble, dusty frontier type town.

Definitely a “workers” theme in this architecture – would fit in well anywhere in the old USSR
And then there was just the inexplicably eclectic……
Where trains go to die……Uyuni train graveyard
Backstreet of Uyuni – litter quite bad here, too

Beyond the Salar, Uyuni is the jumping off point for a famous, remote and fairly rough road known as the Western Lagunas Route – named for the beautiful high altitude lagoons you pass on this mountainous back road to San Pedro de Atacama in Chile.

Taking a vehicle involves much preparation since it is almost 500 kms of high altiplano desert, constant washboarding with no services to speak of en route. Many travellers take the trip in 4×4 Land cruisers as we did in 2003 – this time we would be on our own. Our time in Uyuni was thus spent researching routes, stocking up on supplies, and ensuring the vehicle was in good mechanical shape. Given that most travel the route via the Salar, a thorough undercoat of graphite oil is first applied to limit the impact of wet salt getting where it shouldn’t on the car’s underbody. Having seen what effect “Salar salt” could have on disc brakes we opted for the full treatment, including a high pressure wash off after driving on the Salar. Hopefully that will do the trick.

Underbody coating with graphite oil for salt protection
Impact of Salar salt on a disc brake over time – one needs to get the stuff off very thoroughly
4×4 Land cruisers lined up and ready to head out to Chile via the Western Lagunas Route
Tour brochure showing the Western Lagunas Route to Chile

Watch for a full report on the Salar trip and our exit from Bolivia on our next blog !