Camelids, Condors, Cusco and Colored Mountains – More of Peru

Camelids, Condors, Cusco and Colored Mountains – More of Peru

You never like to leave a city you enjoy, and while we could not get through Lima fast enough, Arequipa was another story. It’s beautiful Plaza de Armas, it’s smaller size, it’s snow -capped volcano backdrop and it’s unique sillar stone buildings make it a place one could easily linger longer. But with much to see in the days ahead, and a break in the rainy weather forecast at the Colca Canyon we decided a shot at seeing the Andean condors up close on a clear day was too good an opportunity to pass up.

Our route this past week

The 3 hour drive took us northwest of Arequipa through small villages, high mountain passes and hundreds upon hundreds of the various South American “camelids” – the general name of the camel family that includes llamas, alpacas, vicunyas and a few others. Seeing them all, out in the open, with snow capped mountains in the background is just such a quintessential South American image in my mind.

Fields of “camelids” – the term used when you can’t ( at times ) distinguish between llamas and alpacas !
Here, vicunyas by the road, at around 4,300 meters
It’s cold up that high….but this guy looked pretty snug in that coat !

To think, even for a minute, that we actually considered NOT visiting the Colca Canyon is almost frightening. One of the deepest canyons in the world and spectacularly beautiful in its own right, the Colca Canyon is home to the Andean condor. Of course they are found elsewhere in South America, but not as reliably and not, as far as I know anyway, where they can be seen up close in their natural environment. The Cruz Del Condor mirador ( viewpoint ) at the deepest point in the canyon, an hour west of the town of Chivay provides just that opportunity – we were very glad we made the effort to go !

A view of the Colca Canyon

We almost didn’t because it was over 3 hours out of our way, had been rainy and cloudy in the area, and the big birds don’t always come out in those conditions. Two couples who we’d met earlier had little luck when they went and both also complained about the stiff admission fee to the park – actually more so about the racially based fee structure than the fee itself. See the picture below – it is blatant racial discrimination, and sanctioned by the Peruvian government no less ! To put this in perspective, it’s akin to giving preferred entry pricing to the Grand Canyon to US citizens, doubling that for other Caucasian folks, but then almost tripling that price for non-Caucasian foreigners. It would be headline news. Apparently not an issue in Peru.

The offensive “sign” and policy everyone was talking about. One expects reduced fees for seniors, children and students – that’s universal. But seeing one race ( Latinos) pay less than all other races upset many people. Imagine doing that in Canada, Australia, the US or Europe ?

I’ll let the pictures below tell the rest of the story but to say it was one of the best days and experiences of our trip so far would not be a stretch. Simply amazing ! A word of caution – between shooting many of the birds (mostly while moving) through a long telephoto lens and then having pixel size restrictions on the website, there is unfortunately significant quality degradation on many of the condor images below ( our originals are better ! )

It was cold, cloudy and wet as we arrived at the Mirador to camp for the night. How would it be in the morning when the condors come out ?
Need not have worried – a beautiful day unfolded. Sitting back with a “cuppa” and just soaking it all in – what a view, waiting for the birds
In flight, at a distance, the Andes mountains as a backdrop – our first sighting
After floating up high on thermals for quite a while a couple did a “fly-by”. In this image, shot with a telephoto lens, the condor is at a distance, still quite high, but coming at us almost head on
Lower down now, still quite far away, but the bird’s immense wingspan was now obvious
Here, almost in front of, and just below us
Right in front of our eyes – incredible !
A little later another followed, this one with different coloring…..
….and came just as close !

Watching them soar and fly by was thrilling but they sometimes come to land near the Mirador as well. Our lucky day – not only did one land nearby and sit for quite a while, he/she put on quite the show spreading its wings before taking off again. An unexpected delight !

Standing on a ledge just below the mirador- for about 30 minutes
The condor drying its wings before taking off – first the back…..
….then he turned to do the front ! It was quite the display

Probably one of our greatest wildlife viewing experiences, certainly of the avian variety. If you are in the area and even THINKING of visiting the Colca Canyon, just do it. Absolutely worth the effort.

Leaving Colca, there was no direct road to Cusco so our route was somewhat circuitous, involved a couple of hours of rough dirt track and took us up over 15,000 feet twice. Always a bit eerie when you’re in those areas, up that high, traversing very barren landscapes and seeing no traffic at all. Not a place you would want a breakdown. To our complete surprise, in 7 degree weather, we drove through an area of snow and hail – not what we expected in “summer” in Peru, but there it was !

Snow and hail in Peru – in summer !

Cusco is legendary – no question about it. A UNESCO World Heritage sight, capital of the Inca empire, and a highlight on every South American travelers itinerary. While we had explored the city, nearby Macchu Picchu ( in our mind still THE most amazing of all the world’s seven man-made wonders ), and the Sacred Valley with all its amazing sights during our first South American trip, we were still excited to revisit Cusco – it’s the kind place that has a magnetic appeal and attracts people from all over the world – it consistently makes the list of the Top 10 world tourist attractions. This time we simply soaked up its ambience, wandered its many backstreets, connected with other overlanders and had some necessary vehicle servicing at the local GM dealer.

View of Cusco from near the campground
Typical narrow street in Cusco
Lois in front of a church, Plaza de Armas
Jeff, at the Plaza de Armas
Shopping street in Cusco
Jeff, in front of the famous “Stone with 12 angles”, Cusco
Inca Emperor, Pachacuti, immortalized in Cusco’s Plaza de Armas

While it was wonderful to revisit Cusco and do a bit of the “tourist circuit”, a key reason for coming was somewhat more “technical” in nature – it was necessary to have the local GM dealer reprogram the Electronic Brake Control Module on the truck. Turns out there had been a recall notice issued a couple of months back and since it affected brakes it was not something that could be ignored. 

Vehicle in for 84,000 km service, new front brake pads and some recall work with the brake system

Easy fix if we were back in Kelowna, but GM Canada’s vehicle coverage does not extend to South America. After telling them we were with our vehicle in Peru, and some pleading with their client service centre in Toronto, a GM dealer was identified in Cusco, Peru ( the aptly named “Inca” Motors ) who, it seems, had the diagnostic equipment to handle it. Also convenient since the 84,000 km general service was due and the front brakes were almost worn out. The truck spent a full day in their “shop” but now we should be good for another 12,000kms or so ( amazing how quickly those intervals roll around when you are permanently travelling).

One of the great sights of Peru we wanted to catch this time was Rainbow Mountain ( known as “Vinikunka” in Peru ) an incredible multi-colored mountain south east of Cusco. It’s high, at 5,036 meters and you can’t drive all the way but it is a spectacular sight…..the colors are stunning and make the strenuous hike to the top well worthwhile.

Camped half way up the road to Rainbow Mountain in a small village at 3,800 meters to acclimatize for the hike to the 5,036 metre summit in the morning
A great morning as we left…sun shining
On the way up to Rainbow Mountain we passed through some indigenous villages we saw this cute little girl. Unlike us the little kids seem to have no issue at high altitude – all have tons of energy !
…..and pretty scenery till we got above the tree line
The hike was not far in terms of distance, 1.5 kms approx, but when going from approx. 4,750 meters to 5,0326 metres it took well over an hour…a “lung crusher” as one hiker said !
There were tons of people ahead of us…..
….but we got to the top ! Fog rolled in as this shot was taken but we did get to see “Rainbow Mountain” ( Winikunka ) in its full glory briefly just a bit later
Rainbow Mountain
A pretty narrow mountain road to get there and back but the views and scenery were worth it – we had real doubts we could hike at 5,000 meters. Now we know we can !

One of the great joys of travel is the interesting people you meet. As we walked back to the truck after the hike to Rainbow mountain, we struck up a conversation with a young American fellow. As always the conversation got around to what you did “back home”. “A little theatre”, was his initial answer. Curious, I probed a little further. “Anything famous ?”, I asked. Now, anything to do with Broadway, in New York, I would consider quite noteworthy, but when the guy you are speaking with is Clinton Greenspan, who had just finished a season playing Aladdin, in Aladdin, you are in the presence of theatre royalty ! Below is a link to a review with his picture in costume and below that a picture of him hiking with us on Rainbow Mountain.

Hiking with “Aladdin” on Rainbow Mountain ( Clinton Greenspan )
Peru – Central Coast Route

Peru – Central Coast Route

Our cool, scenic respite in the Peruvian Cordillera was to be short-lived. From the stunning beauty  around Huaraz, Highway 16 wound across a high mountain plateau before rapidly zig-zagging down to sea level and joining the main coastal highway heading south. Sadly, for the next few days, it was mostly mile after mile of boring desert ( and badly littered ) highway. Fortunately the days were interspersed with with some great camping “finds” and re-visits to a few old favorite spots on the Pan American route.

This litter thing is so bad in Peru that it actually becomes a qualifier on any discussion with other overlanders about the country. We, like most others, find it very hard to overlook and, frankly, are amazed that in 2020, after what must have been decades of education about environmental awareness in the schools, people are still just throwing trash on the streets and highways. It is truly shocking to see.

In Central and South America you see constant reference to the “Pan American” highway. While it extends north to the Arctic shores of Alaska we can’t recall ever seeing such signs along the route in Canada or the US

Lima was not on the list of places to revisit as we traversed the Peruvian coastline, this time going north to south. The two hours we spent just getting through its brutal traffic was more than enough stress and we both breathed a sigh of relief as we got to its south side and out into the beach communities along the coast.

Hamacas beach, south of Lima
Hamacas beach was a great camp spot we stumbled on, just south of Lima

Following a night in Hamacas beach, the sand dunes town of Ica was a great place to rest up for a few days; Ecocamp Huachachina was a great location, and the pool was a welcome relief after the heat and sweat of walking/sliding in the sand dunes. Always a delight to catch up with another overlander and it was a very pleasant surprise to bump into Tina there ( she was camped next to us in Banos, Ecuador ). Sadly, she was in the final days of her South American odyssey and about to ship her bike ( and herself ! ) home from Lima.

An awesome camp spot at “EcoCamp” right in the heart of the dunes at Ica….
…with great views right from the pool
We bumped into Tina, who we had met in Banos, Ecuador
The climb to the top was hot, and hard……
…but the views of the oasis were excellent. Our campsite is the place with the pool in the bottom right of the picture

The Nazca Lines are always worth a stop and the new, taller, mirador provided a much better view than the old one that was available back in 2003. There is a great story on the background history of the Nazca Lines and current scientific theory as to why they were carved – read about it here:

Nazca Lines image
Nazca Lines image
Nazca Lines image
Conveniently, the “Nazca Lines” are right beside the Pan American highway. With a new, higher, mirador ( viewpoint ), you get a very good look at three of the many images
Cerro Blanco, reportedly the world’s highest sand dune at over 2,000 meters, just outside Nazca
At times the desert roads around Nazca seemed just endless….
…but were very occasionally interspersed with welcome pockets of green

The serendipitous rendezvous’s did not end in Ica. Proving there really is a “gringo trail” of sorts down here, later in the week we pulled into Puerto Inka ( just south of Nazca ) – right beside us was “Christoph” and his family – the very same Germans camped beside us in Quito and who had given us such great tips for the Galápagos.

Camping, Puerto Inka, with a young French couple beside us and Christoph, our German neighbour from Quito, in the converted Swiss fire truck
Lois, sipping on a cold one, Puerto Inka
No escaping the “garua”, Peru’s infamous coastal fog. Terrible to drive through on the highway ( and we often had to ) but it did add a rather surreal feel to the beach at Puerto Inka
Typical coastline between Nazca and Arequipa – at some points we were high above the sea……
….at other times, low down. Here we are passing through a sandstorm blowing across the highway on the way to Arequipa

Arequipa is famous for its historic Plaza de Armas, beautiful triple volcano backdrop (often snow-capped) and unique white buildings ( they are constructed from sillar, a white volcanic stone). A far more visitor-friendly city than Lima, it’s easy to get around, smaller and simply (due to its architecture, history and physical backdrop) much prettier. Traffic was not bad, the sun was shining so we took full advantage of both the re-explore the city for a couple of days.

Basilica Cathedral, Plaza de Armas, Arequipa
Local street, San Lazaro, Arequipa
Lois, feeding llamas and alpacas, Mundo Alpaca, Arequipa
Indigenous family, Arequipa
Plaza de Armas, Arequipa

There was a bit of “strategy” in our route here as well. Coming up from sea level, Arequipa at 2,335 meters made for a perfect graduated ascent on our way to the Colca canyon, Cuzco, Lake Titicaca and Bolivia in the weeks ahead where we will be continuously in the 3,500 ~ 4,500 metre range. Tough to exert oneself up that high – got to get acclimatized !

Southern Ecuador to Peru

Southern Ecuador to Peru

Four hours south of Cuenca and at a considerably lower altitude lies the bucolic Ecuadoran town of Vilcabamba. Like Cuenca, Vilcabamba ( or San Pedro de Vilcabamba to be precise ) is somewhat of a haven for North American retirees. Not so much, it seems, in the “snowbird” sense  ( as in those who spend just the northern winters there ) but more the permanent type – folks who have retired and have permanently relocated there. Drawn by Ecuador’s reputation for great weather ( the climate truly is near perfect ), good medical care, an established expat community and overall affordability, Vilcabamba seems to attract those looking for a very slow, substantially rural, and – dare I say it – a somewhat more “granola” vibe. The kind of place where organic food, vegan restaurants, morning yoga routines and composting toilets are the norm.

Our route this past week
Vilcabamba, in southern Ecuador, is not only a delightful town in a beautiful valley but has a reputation for longevity among its citizens
Coffee shops around the main square
Vilcabamba, main town square

We enjoyed a couple of days there, wandered the small town centre, sampled the food, did a long overdue re-pack/re-org of the vehicle, learned much about Ecuador from Beatrice and Nathan ( our Swiss/American hosts ) and just soaked up the views and mountain air from their delightful hilltop retreat. A most enjoyable way to spend our last serious stop in Ecuador.

View from our campground, Vilcabamba
Looking the other way – pretty in every direction

One can drive immediately south of Vilcabamba and eventually cross to Peru however we weren’t looking for more rough and windy roads than necessary and like most overlanders, detoured back north, around Loja, west through Catamayo and on to the border town of Macara – away from the Andes down to lower elevations, better roads and hotter weather as you transit the generally uninspiring north-western interior corner of Peru.

Crossing from Ecuador to Peru was fast, friendly and painless. That said, the customs/border guys can be funny sometimes – they asked about fruit and veggies, checked our fridge then ignored the apples and bananas inside. They asked about plants – we had none except a faded Valentine’s Day red rose for Lois but they insisted that could not enter Peru. Conveniently for us they ignored the extra 80 litres of cheap Ecuadoran gasoline we were ( very obviously ) carrying externally – so we didn’t make an issue over the rose !

The Valentine’s rose that never made it to Peru

If only inland north-western Peru were just uninspiring. Sadly, it is also very hot, dry, dusty and is extensively littered- there is garbage everywhere. First impressions from the north were not good and it was in some respects fortunate that from the outset we simply planned to transit this area – in fact, due to the absence of notable attractions, dearth of camping opportunities and higher incidences of vehicle robberies and motoring scams, most overlanders do likewise. Peru’s big attractions lie much further south which is where our time would be focused.

First few miles in northern Peru and the landscape is already getting more arid
Soon it becomes very flat, much hotter and, sadly, more littered
While the roads are good, there is litter everywhere, just by the road, here between Piura and Trujillo. Not a great first impression when you enter from the north

The small beach-side community of Huanchaco, just north of Trujillo was a great place to recover from an exhausting long haul through the northern desert and fortunately offered up a great camping spot right across from the ocean. “Casa Amelia”, another of South America’s “driveway” campgrounds was a relaxing place to rest up, compare notes with other travelers from France and Hungary who were there with us and plan our next moves into Peru’s famed Cordillera Blanca ( white range ). Part of the Andes that run along the spine of South America, many of these mountains offer stunning hikes, turquoise lakes and snow capped peaks – all in the 4,000 metre plus range.

“Casa Amelia” looks cosy from outside…..
…but has room for 3 campers inside – comes with a sundeck, gentle sea breezes and evening Pacific sunsets. We shared it with a French couple in a 4Runner and roof top tent
Sunset, Huanchaco beach
Just after sunset, Huanchaco beach, Trujillo
While the sound of crashing waves and view of evening sunsets was relaxing, it was hard to get excited about the quality of Peruvian beaches in this area – just something about black sand we can’t get used to. They are better up north

Leaving Huanchaco, the route towards Caraz and Huaraz took us south down the coast then inland. A quick stop at a Costagas outlet in Trujillo allowed us to refill our propane tank – while a seemingly mundane task ( finding propane ), finding propane sellers with a North American adapter is a real challenge across South America. Most overlanders simply top up when they come across one and so did we. Should be good to cook for a few months now !

Happiness is – finding a propane outlet that’ll refill a North American tank !
Desert highway leaving Trujillo

The desert quickly gave way to stoney mountains with narrow single lane roads cut into the rock. More dark tunnels than we could count and always a thrill when you meet a big truck and bus at the end – someone has to back up. Fortunately on our scariest moment ( with just inches of clearance) we were on the cliff wall side, not the canyon side !

Getting into the rocky canyons inland – a most unusual formation seen here
We exited this tunnel to meet a large truck and bus – they squeezed into the single lane paved part with their outer wheels on the un-paved cliff edge

The six hour wild ride to get up into the Peruvian cordillera was, in the end, totally worthwhile – the views once up high are stunning. Many choices of places to stay but most choose Caraz (as we did ) or Huaraz. One thing we did did learn about altitude acclimatization is that simply going up high in advance does not do much for you – one must spend time up there of course in order to mitigate the effects of altitude on the body. The problem with travelling here of course is that you tend to go up and down a lot !

View from the road on the climb to 4300 metres to see Laguna Paron
Mountain backdrop at Laguna Paron, near Caraz
The beauty of Laguna Paron – typical of the many similar high altitude lakes all through the valley around Huaraz
Another view to the turquoise waters of Laguna Paron, near Caraz
Lois at the Laguna Paron lookout
Camping in Caraz. A Belgian couple in the Ford van and a Canadian/Colombian couple ( with 3 kids ) in a home-built camper camped near us.
Long overdue truck wash at a roadside “lavaderia” in Huaraz – the man took great pride in his work….
…even polished the rims and tires – a very nice job and totally unexpected !
Authentic Peruvian camping ! Here with 3 friendly llamas in the overlander area of the Real Huascaran Hotel, Huaraz. Reception guy said they were llamas, the security guy insisted they were alpacas !

Our week closed out in the town of Huaraz right in the middle of the beautiful Cordillera Blanca. Travelling through the Huascaran valley had provided some amazing views of the best of Peru’s immense Andean mountains; in this area alone 30 peaks tower above 6,000 metres ( 19,685 feet ), the highest of which, Mt Huascaran, at 22,204 feet, was clearly visible on a beautiful sunny day. Simply stunning !

Stunning view of Peru’s highest mountain, Mt Huascaran, towering 6,768 meters ASL, just outside Huaraz
Close up of Mt Huascaran

We regularly refer to a Facebook group called the Pan American Travellers Association – with over 24,000 members it’s a bit of a bible for anyone doing the PanAmericana and full of all kinds of useful information and travel updates. Check it out here:

Sadly, I’m finishing this post with a picture from their Facebook site that was shared recently – it kind of hit home since we have a truck camper. A Dutch couple with what appears to be a camper that’s a bit too big, or truck that’s a bit too small ( or both ) after hitting a Mexican “tope” ( speedbump ) – hard. They are all over Latin America – lots here in Peru, too. Not a fun thing to happen on an overland trip far from home.

Having seen this we’ll be a little more vigilant on the speedbumps going forward !

What happens when the truck is too small, the camper too big, and you hit a speed bump hard – sad outcome for some Dutch overlanders in Mexico
Central Ecuador – “Volcano Alley”

Central Ecuador – “Volcano Alley”

It’s probably fair to say from a sightseeing perspective that the bar was high after a week in the Galapagos. Suddenly, we thought, the rest of Ecuador was looking a lot less interesting. Banish that thought ! While we would not be seeing more stunning underwater marine life, quirky birds or Jurassic-like reptiles, the route south from Quito to Cuenca ( sometimes referred to as “Volcano Alley” ) in fact had much to offer.

Route through Ecuador
View of the sprawling city of Quito, Ecuador
More of Quito

Ecuador’s second highest mountain, Cotopaxi, was our first port of call and is one of the worlds top 10 most active volcanoes. We had hoped to see it in all its glory and do a short hike, however the weather was just not cooperative. Cotopaxi was, for the most part, shyly hiding behind clouds though we did get a brief view of its distinctive snow capped peak. Drizzling rain on the drive down put paid to any hiking notions. Making up for some of the disappointment at Cotopaxi was the excellent evening spent with Adrian and his Swiss/Ecuadoran family at their delightful Cotopaxi hacienda/farm campground, Cuello de Luna. A favorite of hiking groups, this secluded spot was one of our favorites so far. The alpacas and gentle St. Bernard’s just added to the appeal.

Road to Cotopaxi volcano – washboarded all the way
View of Cotopaxi, Ecuador’s second highest mountain
Cuello De Luna, hacienda/campground, near Cotopaxi
Lois with Adrian’s St. Bernards

On our route south to Banos, Adrian had recommended a visit to Quilotoa Crater Lake, a 2 hour detour for us but ultimately well worth the drive – at almost 13,000 feet just walking from the car park to the viewpoint was exhausting, however the view at the end made the exertion worthwhile

Ecuador countryside, en route to Quilatoa Crater Lake. We got to just under 13,000 feet on the way here ( not quite 4,000 metres ). Good practice acclimatizing for even higher passes in Peru !
Quilotoa Crater Lake

One of Ecuador’s favorites, the thermal spa town of Banos has been a standard overlander stopover for years. Fond memories of an earlier visit fresh in our minds we made straight for the thermal pools which were very relaxing. Banos also offers an array of exciting outdoor activities for those so inclined ( it was all about the pools for us ) along with great restaurants and coffee shops where we whiled away our time.

Banos downtown
Banos downtown
Banos downtown
Banos waterfall
El Salado thermal pools, Banos
A reminder that all of Banos is in a volcanic threat zone – Volcano Tungurahua towers over the town
Best hot chocolate in a long time – Banos !

Seems to have been a week for meeting motor-cycling overlanders and Banos was no exception. After meeting two Americans, Thomas and Shane, at Quilotoa who were en route to Ushuaia like us, we spent time in Banos sharing information with Tina, a solo German, and 4 Czech riders who were also going south. The Czechs had also ridden down the west coast of Africa and up its east coast so were full of useful tips for us ( should our plans for Africa pan out down the road ). We did experience some rain in Banos and while we’ve ( well, at least I’ve ) often thought a two-wheeled overland adventure would be fun, watching them pitch tents in the rain, pack away wet equipment for a long day’s ride and then ride off getting drenched again, I must admit that some of the allure has worn off.

Tina, a solo female biker from Germany doing parts of the PanAmerican Highway, here in Banos. She was riding a 350cc bike, small by the standards of most overland bikers we have met. The Czech’s all had 1200’s !
Zbynek, one of 4 Czech motorcyclists that pulled into Montano campground where we stayed in Banos. He had previously ridden up and down Africa on a motorcycle and gave us great tips should we make it there – one day we hope

Chimborazo is Ecuador’s highest peak – higher, in fact, than any other peak north of it in all of the Americas. Getting to it ( up close ) involves a drive on good ( if somewhat pot-holed ) roads to just over 4,000 metres ( 13,200 feet ) and then an extremely wash-boarded dirt track to a climbers refuge at 4,700 metres ( 15,400 feet ). While the challenge of the drive and then just walking around in such low oxygenated air  was an experience, the best views were actually down much lower. We had been warned Chimborazo can be temperamental ( for viewing ) up close. A few hardier types were trying to hike at that elevation but it was very slow going.

Our first view of Chimborazo from a lower elevation – substantially obscured
…..then the clouds parted
….revealing this – the peak at 6,310 metres. Stunning !

Spending time at the high elevations not only brought us some great sights and challenging drives but helped prepare us for Peru and Bolivia where we will be experiencing several mountain passes in the high 4,000 metre range and one even nudging 5,000 metres. No altitude sickness for either of us but definitely felt a bit wobbly when we got up too quickly or exerted ourselves too much. The best views of Chimborazo were actually nearer to the entrance of the park but we still we wanted to tackle the last 8 kilometres – all rough, badly washboarded road, just to see how we felt at that elevation if nothing else.

We passed this French couple trying to walk the last 10 kms to the entrance to Chimborazo National Park. No room in the truck but they happily accepted dinette seats in the camper
As high as we could go on the road the Chimborazo and at this height breathing was tough for us – and the truck ! Normally aspirated gasoline engines lose 3% of their power for every 1,000ft gain in altitude. At over 15,000 feet our big V8 only had the power of a 4 cylinder
One of the many vicuña we saw on the way to Chimborazo
More vicuña
Here we finally made it to the refugio ( refuge hut ) !

Just a two hour drive south of Chimborazo is the town of Alausi, famous as the jumping off point for the “Nariz Del Diablo” or Devils Nose train, to Sibambe. Completing the track in 1902 was an astonishing feat of engineering that allowed the train to navigate very steep descents/ascents and almost perpendicular walls in the high Andes via a unique zigzag system. The ride was truly spectacular, considered Ecuador’s finest, and is popular with train buffs the world over. There is a great story on the history of the train here:

The Nariz Del Diablo train waiting at Alausi station
Shot through the rear window of the Nariz Del Diablo train – just visible above the houses are two levels of the zig-zagging track that hug the steep sides of the mountain
The destination station of Sibambe, shot from two track levels above
Typical track “tiering” on this very steep incline/decline
The carriages are old classics and restored beautifully

Ecuador’s 3rd largest city, and arguably its most beautiful would be our last stop for the week. Cuenca, set at 2500 metres, has a year round mild climate that makes it not just popular with Ecuadoran’s but also a haven for North American retirees ( as well as others ) – the number of foreign residents is obvious after just a short walk around this very pretty riverside city, or a stop in any coffee shop.

There really are a ton of expats living in Cuenca. A cafe we visited during our stay and barely a local in sight

Cuenca is famed the world over for production of original “Panama” hats. While that may seem a tad oxymoronic, as one of our regular readers ( Charlie Harris ) pointed out when I did an earlier post from Panama, “Panama” hats are not actually from Panama. There’s an interesting background to that story and we got it when we visited the Homero Ortega factory right here in Cuenca. A fascinating tour, and some beautiful product to choose from – yes, we bought one ! More detail on the origins and history of the Panama hat can be found here:

Ecuadoran scenery en route from Alausi to Cuenca
Flower stalls doing a roaring trade ahead of Valentine’s Day, Cuenca
A French couple ( VW ) and ourselves – squeezed into Tu Parada campground, downtown Cuenca. More of a secure, gated private driveway than a true campground, we enjoyed incredible hospitality from our host, Miriam, right in the heart of town
Lois, on a bridge over the Rio Tomebamba in Cuenca
Downtown Cuenca – the many white buildings, terracotta roofs and parks make for a very pretty city
The famous 3 blue domes of the Catedral Nueva seen here behind a plaza of boutique restaurants and coffee shops in Cuenca
The Homero Ortega Panama hat factory, Cuenca
The finishing room
And the showroom – for men
And for the ladies – mostly high-end product it seemed
Who could forget Julia Roberts’ outfit in “Pretty Woman” . While she wore a Panama hat she is obviously not the only star partial to them

Our host in Cuenca, Miriam, turned 48 on the day we arrived. With visitors from Canada, France ( the couple in the van pictured beside ours ) and 4 other visitors from the US and Chile staying in the house ( she runs an AirBnB as well ), Miriam invited us all in to join her family and share in her birthday celebrations – a great time was had by all and it was a wonderful end to another week in Ecuador.

Celebrating our camping hosts 48th birthday in Cuenca with family and fellow overlanders
The Galápagos Islands

The Galápagos Islands

Mere mention of the Galápagos Islands conjures up images of otherworldly giant reptiles, rare and colorful oddly named birds and a profusion of amazing undersea creatures. Few would not jump at the chance to go there and while it is remote and far from almost everywhere, not so when you are already in Ecuador. Having passed up that opportunity when we were time-restricted once before there was no such hesitation this time around. Once our Galapagos week was booked from Quito, both of us were like kids at the gates to a theme park while sitting in the airport lounge waiting to depart.

The Galápagos Islands – we flew to Santa Cruz, then took ferry’s, first to Isabela, then to San Cristobal. Returned to the mainland from San Cristobal

Straddling the equator, this province of Ecuador lies about 1,000 kms west of the South American continent. Because of its relative isolation, the archipelago contains an unusual abundance of plants, animals and marine life not found anywhere else in the world. Famed British naturalist Charles Darwin visited in 1835 on the HMS Beagle ( much reference to Darwin can still be seen all over the Galápagos) and what he observed here contributed significantly to his theory of evolution.

A bust of Darwin, near the dock in Santa Cruz
We had a beer in this bar named after Darwin
The main street in Santa Cruz is named after Darwin….as is the scientific research station
….and you can even shake hands with the man in San Cristobal

The islands truly are unlike any other place we have been and their impact is immediate. Just driving  in to town from the airport in Baltra – a 25 minute trip – we’d already seen 3 giant tortoises. Simply walking around the islands – before we even ventured underwater – we were constantly surrounded by unusual and exotic  ( to us anyway ) wildlife. In many cases you had to be careful not to tread upon, or trip over, them ! That, and the fact that almost no animal we saw exhibited the slightest fear of humans. Combine the uniqueness of the wildlife and it’s accessibility and you have a mecca for wildlife enthusiasts that deserves every bit of its reputation for being an experience like no other.

Lois took a break on San Cristobal – and then realized she had company
Same sea lion, up close !
Sea lions and marine iguanas could be found lounging around on almost every walkway
….and on every pier, sometimes by the dozen
Colorful crabs, Santa Cruz
We did not see many terrestrial iguanas, but loved the colors of them, one seen here on Santa Cruz
A typical marine iguana- on or near every beach- their face reminded us of Godzilla !
Up front view – they had no fear of tourists. They were everywhere…this one on the beach at Tortuga Bay, Santa Cruz…..
….and quick to claim your beach towel if you went swimming for too long !
Marine iguana, Tortuga Bay, Santa Cruz

We’d heard many warnings about the expense of the islands – and sure, the $10-20 “tax” paid to enter each island was annoying ( if not budget breaking ), and the $100 USD ( per person ) Galapagos National Park Fee was exhorbitant by any global measure but beyond that we did not find that living in, and travelling around, the Galápagos Islands to be much more expensive than anywhere else in Ecuador. Somewhat more, but not much. Considering it’s huge international appeal, its remoteness, its uniqueness and the fact that most people will only ever visit once, based on our own experience we’re glad we just bit the bullet – if you are thinking about going, our advice is just do it !

Typical inter-island “ferry”. Smaller water taxis seen here take passengers out to the ferries. Just $25 to transfer between the islands

Getting between the islands was easy with regular ferries taking just a couple of hours, and tours, where needed ( they weren’t always ) were easy to book. While all-inclusive, luxury (and thus expensive) Galapagos cruise boats could be seen visiting all islands and are popular for those wanting the 5 star treatment, “doing your own thing” ( as more and more do now ) is also very simple and takes much of the financial sting – and none of the pleasure – out of the Galapagos  experience.

Typical of boutique, 3 star hotels on the Galapagos, widely available at very reasonable prices. This one on Santa Cruz
Or one can spend many thousands of dollars living aboard cruisers like this – must admit they did look pretty nice ! Either way everyone sees the same sights

Like most, our trip was for a week and covered the three main islands. Each had its own distinct appeal, though our favorite was unquestionably Isabela. Miles of long white sand beaches, easy access to the sights, and a quaint main village with sandy streets gave it a very “South Pacific island” feel. Add to that wildlife that was easy to see and one of the best tours we have ever experienced made Isabela the most memorable for us. 

Typical street on Isabela, our favorite of the three main Galápagos Islands
Long white sandy beach, Isabela
Marine iguanas coming out of the surf, Tortuga Bay, Santa Cruz
At Playalita, Isla Isabela

Countless others who went before us had recommended the “tuneles tour” ( tunnels tour ) and it was unquestionably the highlight of our time in the Galapagos. On this 5 hour boat/land tour we swam with giant marine turtles, sharks, sea horses, penguins, countless tropical fish and saw several Blue Footed Boobies up close. Simply magical ! That’s not to say that giant land tortoises, countless marine iguanas and sea lions weren’t appealing ( they were ) but there were so many of them roaming wild ( the latter two at least ) that you almost stopped noticing them. The boobies, sea horses and penguins were harder to find.

On Isla Isabela, close up with an elusive Blue-Footed Booby. The blue color comes from the food they eat
Blue-Footed Booby, Isla Isabela
Close up, with a Blue-Footed Booby, Isla Isabela
A baby Blue-Footed Booby ( feet have not yet turned blue )
The “tunnels” area on Isla Isabela where we snorkeled and spotted the boobies. It all came from volcanic eruptions long ago
A rock outcrop near Isabela, favoured by the boobies and other marine birds
Snorkeling in the “tunnels”, Isla Isabela, shot with a Go-Pro by our guide while we snorkeled
More of the same
Up close with a sea horse – we saw several on the Tunnels tour
There was a penguin up on the rocks and a couple underwater
Got to swim alongside Giant Marine Tortoises…..amazing !
……and a pack of White Tip Sharks
Flamingos are often seen on Isabela…there were 4 feeding when we there. They have two legs, of course, but often stand on just one

San Cristobal had one of the nicest beaches on the Galapagos, Playa Chino. A little tougher to get to so we hired a taxi and took a tour there and on the way visited Junco lake ( home to many frigate birds ) and one of the better Giant Tortoise rehabilitation centres. There is one on each of the main islands where the species, which is endangered, are kept in a protected area to ensure the populations continue to recover.

Frigate bird in flight
Frigate bird in flight, this one an adult female ( white chest )
Chino beach, San Cristobal
Lois, Chino beach, San Cristobal
Lois, Chino beach, San Cristobal
Giant tortoise, San Cristobal
View from San Cristobal
Giant tortoise, Isla San Cristobal
Up close….they look so old, and move soooooo slowly !
Side view, Giant Tortoise, San Cristobal

However you want to see them, the Galápagos Islands offer an otherworldly natural experience – we’re certainly glad we carved a week out of our overland trip to make it possible and would highly recommend a visit to anyone considering it.

Check out our One Endless Road YouTube channel for some live video clips of our time on the Galapagos: