Good morning folks ( or perhaps it’s afternoon or evening, depending on where you are ) ! It’s been some time since our last update ( back in April this year ) when we crossed back into Canada from the US, thus completing our 61,000km Pan American odyssey. Seems like just yesterday, but much has happened since – where to begin ?

Our favourite shot, and new web site header……Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia

The first thing readers may notice is a much overdue update to our website – many thanks to Samantha for helping out with the revamp !  One of the things that needed changing was the front page – our truck camper barrelling down the Dempster highway trailing a cloud of dust just seemed a bit “old hat” . In its lieu we opted for what was ( and still is ) out favorite still image of the Pan American highway – Lois and I, sitting on our camp chairs with a bottle of Chilean red, contemplating life in the pristine whiteness of the Salar de Uyuni ( high in the Bolivian Altiplano). Simply heaven ! Indeed, folks have commented that it looks like we are in heaven ( a good omen perhaps –  let’s hope we get there one day !!   ).

Regular readers will recall that during our “Covid hiatus” (April 2020-October 2021), with the truck camper “parked” in Chile, we returned to Canada. During that time we purchased a Sprinter 4×4 and began the massive task of camperizing it. Quite honestly, had I known what an undertaking it would become I’d likely not have tackled it ( what is it they say about “fools rushing in…..” ? ). Suffice it to say a full year after purchasing the rig the conversion was still only half done and we left it in that state when we returned to Chile in November last year. Coming back to Canada this year then, we had a truck/camper to sell and an incomplete Sprinter 4×4 to finish- with a goal to do both by November so we could take a pass on the coming Canadian winter and be “travel ready” again.

Sue and Darrell with their new rig !
Gone, but not forgotten……
Our new van, purchased as an empty cargo van from Mercedes in Calgary, September 2020.

Very good friends had expressed serious interest in the truck camper ( while we were still travelling with it in South America ) and shortly after our return to Kelowna a deal was struck – Sue and Darrell are now the happy new owners of our old rig ! A treat for them to get a combined truck and camper all set up ( and a vehicle they knew well ) while also a convenience to us since we did not have to split the unit up and find buyers for the component parts. We were pleased that the rig, which had served us so very well, had found a nice home – and it really was more a “home” than just a vehicle ( certainly to us ) since we had lived in full time it for 15 months.

Our old rig now sold, from May onwards we have worked more or less full time finishing the Sprinter build. Full time that is, with the exception of three major events this summer ( two unexpected and very sad, the other long planned and, fortunately, very happy ).  While our daughter’s wedding on September 4 ( the “happy” event), was the highlight of our summer, my family was devastated  to lose our 94 year old mother to a sudden stroke in late June. Lois and I were fortunate to get to Australia and to be able to see her before she passed but her death has left a gaping hole in our families lives. We miss her greatly and think of her every day.  Our sadness, though intense, is tempered by the knowledge she lived a very long, healthy and happy life – we should all be so lucky. 

Jackie and Barrett
My mother

Our return to Australia gave us a wonderful opportunity to spend quality time with many of our family and friends, but also reminded us what a huge place it was, how rather superficially we had explored it and what a great place it would be to travel in a 4×4 Sprinter van. The plan then, was hatched – assuming we could get the van complete by early November, we’d ship the van to Australia in December and spend 2023 ( or most of it anyway ) travelling “Downunder”. We’d push Africa a little further out in the future ( for reasons I will explain later ).

Towards the end of October, as I was wrapping up the Sprinter conversion, Lois’s mum also took ill. Like my mum, she too had just turned 94 ( an amazing coincidence in itself ) and sadly, on November 10 she also passed. We were devastated to lose our last two parents in the same year but thankful they both had such long, rich ( and largely healthy ) lives.

Lois’s mum at Jackie’s wedding. Sadly, she would pass just 2 months later.

I’ll close with the good news that, despite a rather eventful last 7 months as you can see, we did  finish our van and on November 30 ( yes, we made the November deadline – just !! ) we set off for Australia with it. Not, I might add, on the most direct route, exactly, but one which ( hopefully )  will deliver our van to the “Land Downunder” by January 2023. Details to follow !

The new van, covered in snow, about to set off for Australia

Till next week……